My husband is kind person I've ever seen. He let me to go on super show concert. He even drive for me to concert venue. He support me on what I like as well. He is waiting till the end of concert, which is he can be refuse to waiting, but he doesn't. It was weekend he can be choose stay at home because working monday-friday kinda tiring. But he doesn't. He is smart and funny. He is loyal. Most of his money he give it to me, he just take little. And I always find him attractive day by day. Once on saturday, he picked me up at office. He message me, he was arrived. It was 4 p.m and I haven't finished my work yet. I should be out of office early at 12 p.m but my deadline is tomorrow. Boss expect to finished it asap, so he can check it on sunday. I finished at 5.30, feel guilty to him and ask apology. On the way home, he kept mumbling. He said, I don't need to do extra on my job. If it did'nt finish yet, just leave it. Do it in next day. Because company didn't p...